How to smooth forehead wrinkles without injections?

To expand on this topic, it is important to take a few digressions and talk about where forehead wrinkles come from, how they form, how to slow down the process of their appearance and how to smooth them out without such aggressive methods as injections.

Let's start simple and small, where do forehead wrinkles come from, and what to do about it?

Horizontal forehead wrinkles, which we all fear so much, appear due to the daily movements of the forehead muscles. Depending on genetics, lifestyle, emotionality and climate, they can become noticeable by the age of 20-30. The more often we use these muscles, the faster wrinkles appear.

Since collagen and elastin are produced more slowly than they are destroyed, prolonged exposure to the sun aggravates the situation, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, elastic fibers and collagen are damaged, and it is on them that our skin rests. When it comes to sun protection, it's worth mentioning once again the importance of skin care products with SPF protection.

Stress is also a catalyst for premature aging, as it stimulates dryness and dehydration of the skin. In addition to the negative effects of physiological processes under stress, anxiety forces us to wrinkle, stimulating the early formation of wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to learn how to cope with stressful situations and emotional states.

Dryness of the skin leads to a lack of moisture and insufficient water intake, which in turn also contributes to premature aging. The skin is the last organ to receive water, so for its healthy and fresh appearance, it is necessary to consume a lot of water. The phrase “You are what you eat” is also relevant here, since the diet plays an important role in matters of youth and beauty.

The aging process is inevitable, but wrinkles can and should be dealt with in environmentally friendly and gentle ways. Fortunately, there are such in 2022.

How to smooth forehead wrinkles without injections?

First, use high-quality face creams, and not ointments for 50 rubles from a pharmacy. Creams with hyaluronic acid are suitable for care and good moisturizing, since hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective skin moisturizers in cosmetology. It is this component that is added to various skin care products, both brands from the mass market and from the premium segment - the difference is only in the concentration of the active substance.

It is hyaluronic acid that restores moisture deficiency in the skin, restores its elasticity and improves its condition. The molecule of this component holds 1000 times its own weight of water molecules. Hyaluron is the main source of moisture for the skin, thanks to it wrinkles appear later, and those that have already formed become less noticeable and distinguishable.

Creams with hyaluronic acid are presented in the RESEDAODOR product catalog.

Secondly, choose cosmetics with a high concentration of active ingredients so that the use of products is effective and efficient. Give preference to soft, non-aggressive, environmentally friendly products. Study the compositions of the products that you apply to your face daily, and if you don’t know how to do it, learn, look on the Internet or contact a specialist who will help you read the well-camouflaged aggressive ingredients in the compositions of popular skin care products.

Thirdly, contact a beautician-esthetician. Well smoothes wrinkles facial massage. During the procedure, using massage techniques, the muscles of the face relax, reducing the depth of wrinkles and making them invisible. If you do not have the opportunity to go to a good beautician or in the place where you live, there is no good expert, massage the skin yourself with your fingertips or with the help of additional tools.

Look for more helpful tips on our RESEDAODOR blog. There you will find a lot of useful information that will help you preserve your natural beauty for years to come.

In turn, we use an exclusively scientific approach and a high concentration of assets in our products that slow down the aging process, which distinguishes our company and distinguishes it from the world's famous manufacturers.

You can get acquainted with the range of our products in the catalog on our website. We hope that with this article we have done something useful for you 🤍

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