Foods that cause cellulite

Rigid diets and cosmetic procedures are not always beneficial for the body. To get rid of cellulite, you need to pay attention to your diet. In order not to provoke the appearance of an “orange peel” on the body, it is preferable to remove foods that cause cellulite from the diet. Anti-cellulite cream will be effective only in conjunction with other methods of struggle.

What is cellulite

Cellulite is a pathological change in the metabolism of subcutaneous fat. His medical term is lipodystrophy. This condition leads to compression of the venous vessels and arteries, lymph stagnation and the appearance of a capillary network.

Cellulite occurs due to improper cellular metabolism, when the formation of fat prevails over its decay (normally, everything should be equivalent). Because of this, the cell becomes larger in volume, compresses the vessels and "digs" into the skin. Therefore, cellulite looks like tubercles. There are several stages of cellulite:

  1. Stage 0 - there are no bumps on the skin in both standing and sitting positions. Also, when the skin is folded, cellulite does not show up (pinch test).
  2. Stage 1 - no unevenness in standing and sitting, but a pinch test will show the presence of "orange peel".
  3. Stage 2 - cellulite skin defect is noticeable while standing. The pinch test reveals moderate skin roughness.
  4. Stage 3 - cellulite is visible at rest, standing, sitting and lying down.

Given that this skin condition does not apply to diseases, the prognosis will be favorable with timely initiation of treatment. The sooner you start using certain methods, the sooner you will see a positive effect.

Products that contribute to the development of cellulite

Considering what foods cause cellulite, you can correctly build your diet. With uniform physical activity, proper nutrition and care procedures, such a nuisance will not appear on the hips for a long time.

If you do not take into account internal causes, then an unbalanced diet is considered a key external factor in the occurrence of cellulite. What to exclude from the diet for cellulite:

  • Caffeine. Many people cannot imagine their morning without coffee. But it is a mistake to believe that caffeine is found only in coffee, and not less than in black tea. An excellent alternative is green tea, which promotes weight loss and improves metabolism.
  • Salt. Puffiness and cholesterol plaques appear from increased salt intake. There is a deterioration in the work of the heart, blood vessels and the renal system. Fluid is retained in the body. With the accumulation of toxins and the inability to remove them with liquid, cellulite occurs. It is necessary to control the amount of salt eaten - no more than 5 g per day.
  • Sugar. Products that cause cellulite on the legs contain a large amount of sugar. Its increased use leads to a loss of elasticity of blood vessels and arteries. This causes a decrease in blood circulation and the formation of an "orange peel". It is important to pay attention to the hidden sugar in foods. Food for cellulite should not contain it in large quantities.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages increase the percentage of fat in the blood and reduce blood circulation. Also, alcohol interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins and contains a lot of sugar.
  • Fast food. It's no secret that proper nutrition for cellulite should exclude quick snacks on junk food. Fast food belongs to this category. It is rich in toxins and saturated fats. The more such food you eat, the higher the chances of loose and loose skin in the thigh area.
  • Chocolate. Chocolate sweets provoke weight gain and cause cellulite. Milk chocolate is the worst. But a few slices of dark dark chocolate will not harm the figure.
    white flour products. Flour food will never benefit the figure, as it contains a lot of calories. You should not replace a full meal with snacks of buns, cookies, cakes. It is better to replace them with black bran bread, whole-grain cookies, porridge.
  • Sauces. Mayonnaise, ketchup and all kinds of store-bought sauces have a negative effect on the skin. When eating against cellulite, it is better to give preference to cooked homemade sauces with herbs and spices.
  • Semi-finished products. All of them include flavor enhancers, flavors, thickeners. They slow down the metabolism.
  • Carbonated drinks and juices. They contain a lot of sugar and negatively affect the digestive tract, promote the retention of fluid and toxins in the skin, which leads to cellulite.

By understanding what foods cause cellulite on the legs, you can permanently get rid of this problem. It is important to support your body in a complex: moderate activity, cosmetic procedures and, of course, proper nutrition.


Recommendations for the prevention of cellulite

Cellulite prevention is a task that should be carried out comprehensively. Experts offer the following recommendations for preventing the appearance of "orange peel":

  1. a correct and balanced diet - you should not abruptly and rigidly switch to proper nutrition and calculate every calorie, but it’s still worth excluding harmful foods;
  2. contrast shower - a sharp change in water temperature stimulates the lymph flow and contributes to the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels;
  3. physical activity every day - yoga, exercise, fitness: any activity is welcome;
  4. massage - hardware professional or home vacuum jars will only benefit, but you need to remember about contraindications;
  5. cream, gel, scrub during massage - activate blood circulation and lymph flow;
  6. wraps - such sessions relax, remove extra centimeters and cellulite.

It must be remembered: proper nutrition for cellulite, physical activity, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and cosmetics for the body as a whole will greatly simplify the process of eliminating irregularities on the skin. Prevention is always easier than cure.

Does Diet Affect Cellulite? The answer is obvious - it affects and very strongly. A competent approach to solving the problem will allow you to get rid of this trouble very soon. And prevention will help not to return to it again.

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