Age spots: causes and how to deal with them

Age spots are areas of darkening on the skin that appear throughout life. Their occurrence is due to various factors. Due to their unaesthetic nature, they represent a problem that you want to solve quickly and efficiently. Why do they appear and how to remove age spots, Reseda odor experts will tell?

Types of age spots

All age spots are divided into several main varieties:

  1. Moles. Pigmented formations on the surface of the skin, most often small in size. They can be both flat and voluminous. Present in all people. Most often present on the skin from birth.
  2. Freckles. Small pigment spots that appear due to skin contact with direct sunlight. They can disappear on their own with a long absence of contact with the sun. Often appear in early childhood.
  3. Sun spots (lentigo). Dark areas of pigmentation are larger than freckles. They usually appear in adulthood.
  4. Melasma. Dark pigmented spots with clear outlines of the borders. They usually appear on the face, but can also affect the décolleté, arms, and shoulders.
  5. Chloasma. Large, dark spots, as a rule, appear during a period of hormonal changes in the body.

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Causes of age spots

Why do age spots appear? There may be several reasons for this. This can be influenced by both external factors and internal processes occurring in the body.

Some age spots are present on the body from birth - these are moles. But most spots appear on the body already during life.

One of the main factors for the appearance of age spots is direct sunlight. Due to their effect on the skin, most of the known types of dot pigmentation appear: these are freckles, lentigo, melasma. Aggressive ultraviolet radiation affects the skin and causes the appearance of darkened areas on it.

Another important factor in the occurrence of age spots is the hormonal balance in the body. So, chloasma most often appear during pregnancy, lactation, and also as a result of certain diseases. Most often, they disappear or brighten on their own, as soon as the hormonal background returns to normal.

What helps to lighten pigmentation

Most age spots do not disappear on their own - they need to be lightened. How to get rid of age spots?

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When wondering how to remove age spots from the face at home, you should pay special attention to cosmetics containing retinoids. These active ingredients help to safely and effectively eliminate unwanted pigmentation, making spots lighter and less visible. A specific remedy must be selected based on the condition of the skin, age.

How to get rid of age spots at home? It is important to understand that folk remedies in this case are ineffective. Qualitative and guaranteed result gives only professional care cosmetics. The content of retinoids and other active substances in it is disproportionately higher than in any folk home recipe, so they really work.

Especially large and dark age spots can be removed by a cosmetologist using a course of special procedures. Procedures are prescribed based on the patient's request, the condition of his skin and the nature of age spots.

Brown spots appear in all people. However, they can be dealt with safely and effectively if the right technique is chosen and followed. Lightened age spots become invisible on the skin and cease to be an aesthetic problem. Serum with peptides will help you with this task. In particular, Monomolecule No. 12, which evens out skin tone and prevents pigmentation.

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