When is hormone therapy needed? Prejudice, testimony, selection.

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by the organs of the endocrine system.

Each type of hormones is responsible for a specific function, and their insufficient or excessive production causes a hormonal imbalance, which, first of all, affects the nervous system and the psychological state of a person, and only then on the state of internal organs and appearance of a person.

About 50 hormones are synthesized in the human body. Their exact number is individual and depends on age, gender and health status. Substances are released into the blood and are responsible for such processes as growth, tissue renewal, metabolism, childbearing, etc.

Lack or excess of any hormone signals the malfunctioning of a particular gland.

Types of hormone therapy.

Treatment with hormones can be substitutive, stimulating and inhibitory.

➖ Replacement hormone therapy.
It is prescribed when there is a partial or complete cessation of the work of the endocrine glands. The patient takes drugs that contain the missing hormone itself or its analogue obtained by chemical means.

The peculiarity of such treatment is the need for regular intake of the substance into the body from the outside; otherwise, the therapeutic effect disappears.

For this reason, in most cases, the course of treatment lasts the entire life of the patient (the attending physician can adjust the dosage and replace one drug with another, based on the results of the patient's tests). So, for example, occurs with diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease.

➖ Stimulating hormone therapy.
It is indicated in those cases when it is necessary to "start" the activity of the endocrine gland and reveal its potential. This type of treatment is temporary, and sometimes it is carried out in several courses with interruptions (for example, to stimulate the adrenal glands).

➖ Inhibitory hormone therapy.
Applicable in situations where the gland produces a hormone in excessive quantities. Also, this type of treatment is indicated in the fight against a number of neoplasms. The essence of the method is the intake of a substance that is an antagonist of an excess hormone, or a substance that blocks the excessive activity of the gland.

There is another type of hormone therapy as an analogue of hormones of plant origin - Biologically active food supplement "The Basis of Women's Health".

It does not reduce the production of our own hormones in our body, but, on the contrary, helps the organs that produce hormones to be efficient.

This is a safe drug that helps women go through menopause, reduce negative factors, while it is not HRT, it has no side effects!

This is very important if a woman wants to maintain health from the inside.

Indications for use.

The use of hormonal drugs allows you to achieve effective results in the fight against a number of diseases:

✔️hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism;
✔️diabetes mellitus (mainly the first type, but sometimes the second);
✔️hormone-dependent tumors of the reproductive system;
✔️malignant tumors of the prostate;
✔️asthma, allergic rhinitis and other pathologies that occur against the background of an immune response to allergens;
✔️hormonal imbalance and other diseases caused by dysfunction of the glands.

Thus, you should consult an endocrinologist who will assess your hormonal background and the need to use medicinal methods for correcting hormonal disorders.

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