How to get rid of acne in teenagers

The transitional period is accompanied by many changes in appearance. The internal restructuring of the body is reflected in the appearance in different ways. One of the most unpleasant manifestations of puberty is acne. How to get rid of acne on the face of teenagers? Solving a problem should begin with identifying its causes. Having understood, it is necessary to choose a competent facial care.

Causes of teenage acne

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why teenagers have acne. It is generally accepted that this is a characteristic problem of puberty, at the same time, in some boys and girls it manifests itself much less than in others, while others suffer from severe stages of acne. The fact is that puberty itself affects the appearance of acne only indirectly. There are several problems that cause acne in teenagers. Causes:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. This is what is meant by the philistine phrase "pimples due to age." The fact is that an unstable hormonal balance really affects the production of sebum, and, consequently, the condition of the skin. But this does not mean that the answer to the question “how to remove acne for a teenager” lies in the strategy of waiting. You can solve the problem faster. In addition, acne often appears on the face of girls in certain phases of the cycle.
  2. Wrong nutrition. In the transitional period, a person, as a rule, does not yet have a fully formed nutrition culture and the ability to deny himself the wrong food. An excess of sweet and fatty foods in the diet can significantly worsen the condition of the skin, not only on the face, but also on the body.
  3. Wrong skin care. To a greater extent, this problem is typical for boys, although it does not bypass girls. Even if the habit of washing was formed in childhood, after pubertal changes in the body, the usual simple cleansing becomes insufficient for the skin to look well-groomed. In adolescence, new habits and skills have to be formed, including the skill of selecting products suitable for the skin.

How to solve a problem

How to quickly get rid of acne in a teenager? The answer to this question depends, first of all, on the reason for their appearance.

When thinking about how to remove acne for a teenager, you should analyze the possible causes of their occurrence. So, if the diet is unequivocally full of "harmful" foods containing a large amount of sugar, artificial preservatives and dyes, fat, then in some cases it is enough to simply correct the diet for a more rational one. In some cases, the effect comes quickly enough: the skin is cleansed and acquire a healthy appearance.

Sometimes hormonal imbalances that are not normal for puberty also cause acne in teenagers. Treatment in this case should be carried out after consulting a doctor and according to his recommendations.

When choosing the best acne remedy for teenagers, it is important to remember that this is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. So, a remedy that suits one person may be useless and even cause an allergic reaction in another. Before using any new remedy, be it an ointment, gel or tonic, the best solution is to do an allergy test: apply a little on the arm near the bend of the elbow. If after a few hours there is no redness and itching in this place, most likely the remedy will be safe.

How to get rid of post-acne

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In addition to acne, there is another problem associated with the skin during puberty. It's post-acne. Post-acne are called traces that remain after acne. These traces may differ from healthy skin in their color, have a relief: be depressed or protruding. Of course, the question arises: how to solve this problem? Unlike pimples, post-acne does not go away instantly, if you do not fight them, they can remain on the skin for many years.

First of all, it is necessary to solve the problem of acne directly. If new rashes appear on the face, after them the appearance of new traces is almost inevitable. Therefore, all tips for dealing with acne are relevant to prevent the appearance of post-acne.

How to remove existing acne marks? There are several methods:

  • If the marks stand out on the skin in a dark color, they can be lightened and evened out with the help of specially designed care products. In no case should you experiment with “homemade” methods like lemon juice. Without calculating the concentration of the product, you can get a burn, in addition, such treatment is less effective than using professional products;
  • You can also even out the relief of the face with minor post-acne with the help of home care: this is facilitated by the use of special soft peels for facial skin;
  • If post-acne is significantly pronounced and does not go away as a result of home care, it is possible to cope with the problem by visiting a beautician. Professional treatments include laser facial resurfacing, special peels and other procedures to remove even pronounced post-acne. Before such treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist with a medical education, choosing the most correct strategy of action.

Acne in teenagers responds well to treatment. The main thing is to act competently and consistently, to identify the causes of skin problems and the remedy for acne. Then acne will be a thing of the past.

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