How to do dry massage for cellulite

All girls dream of smooth, toned skin, but not everyone can afford expensive cosmetic procedures. You can get a beautiful body without the help of specialists and in much less expensive ways. In this article, we will analyze how to properly massage for cellulite and what body cosmetics should be.

Causes of cellulite development

Cellulite is a dystrophic change in the subcutaneous fat, accompanied by external changes such as ripples, tuberosity, or the “orange peel” effect.

There are several reasons why cellulite may appear:

  • Heredity. Slow metabolism can be genetically determined. Cellulite is formed due to disturbances in blood flow and lymph flow.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol retain fluid in the tissues.
  • Lack of sleep. Chronic fatigue leads to a decrease in activity and disruption of metabolic processes. This will lead to stagnation of fluid in the body and the formation of cellulite.
  • Wearing uncomfortable, tight clothing. It leads to mechanical compression of blood vessels and lymph retention.
  • Stress. In stressful situations, glucose levels rise. Because of this, thirst arises. Consequently, the amount of fluid consumed increases. In addition, stressful situations can lead to overeating and weight gain.

All this leads to excess fat accumulation. Especially in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and shoulders. Then edema forms, the skin becomes flabby and loses its firmness and elasticity. In appearance, the skin becomes similar to an orange peel.

Massage will help correct the situation. The main rule is that all movements should be along the lymph flow and from the periphery to the heart area.

After the procedure, you need to drink water, take a shower and apply an anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect.

In addition, cellulite can appear due to malnutrition, low physical activity and insufficient water intake.

Next, we will analyze how to massage from cellulite with a brush.

Drybrushing Contraindications

Drybrushing or dry brushing is a seemingly harmless procedure, but even it has a number of contraindications.

  • cuts, abrasions or bruises;
  • inflammation or rash;
  • skin diseases;
  • moles, papillomas or other neoplasms;
  • sensitive skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • infectious diseases.

During dry massage, the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive. Therefore, during the course, you should refrain from visiting the solarium and limit the time spent in the sun.

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How to massage with a brush

Like dry massage, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account. Before starting the procedure, make sure that there are no contraindications.

Massage with a brush from cellulite should be started from the legs. Gently massage your feet from toes to heels. Using the same technique, massage the legs and thighs. Massage the chest in the direction from the center to the shoulders with stroking movements. Hands also need to be worked out along the lymph flow. We start with the fingers and go up.

This procedure is suitable even for pregnant women. Proper cellulite massage will not harm the expectant mother. During pregnancy, the load on the body increases, and massage will help improve well-being. But before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Belly massage

The abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the body, since all the internal organs are located here. Also in this area the largest deposits of fatty tissue. Subcutaneous fat can be pulled along with the skin. It does not pose a threat to the body and is easily removed by adjusting nutrition and physical activity. Deeply lying visceral fat is much more dangerous. It wraps around the internal organs and does not allow them to function normally. As a result, this leads to serious consequences.

Proper massage with a dry brush from cellulite indirectly affects the fat capsules. As a result of the procedure, there is an increase in blood flow, a local increase in temperature, and metabolic processes are also activated.

In addition, massage with a brush on a dry body from cellulite will help get rid of digestive problems.

The abdomen must be massaged clockwise, with smooth movements until slight redness. The scheme of massage from cellulite should be strictly observed.

What else can help with cellulite?

Body massage from cellulite is not the only way to get rid of the problem. In addition to massage, various creams and wraps will help. In addition, the use of creams can cause an allergic reaction.

Anti-cellulite creams have an effect in two directions:

  • stimulation of blood and lymph flow;
  • effect on fat cells;

Mild cellulite is quite possible to correct with creams if you use them correctly. The first result will be noticeable in two weeks.

Anti-cellulite cream has several types:

  1. Massage. In the fight against cellulite, massage is one of the most effective procedures. Massage with a special cream will enhance the effect. Before using the cream, make sure that it is suitable for massage.
  2. Warming up. They have a local thermal effect. This allows you to increase blood circulation and speed up your metabolism. This effect can be achieved with caffeine, algae or spices.
  3. Cooling. This effect is achieved with the help of mint, green tea or other components. They are aimed at increasing the outflow of fluid and reducing swelling. In addition, they strengthen blood vessels.

In addition to creams in the fight against cellulite, wraps can be used. They have a thicker consistency compared to creams and come in several types:

  • warming;
  • cooling;
  • combined;

Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub. Next, apply a wrap on problem areas and wrap with a film. The wrap should be kept for 20 to 60 minutes. For more detailed information, see the packaging. The effect will be noticeable after 10 sessions.

Almost all women have cellulite. You can get rid of it, although it is not easy. Before carrying out the procedures, carefully study the contraindications. And remember, the result will be noticeable only with regular care!

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